July 5, 1999 ~ Added
some new quotes and made some updates to the Fantasy Baseball
rosters. Also I added a few awards that I've won! Yay!
June 28, 1999 ~ A
lot of stuff updated today! Checked and fixed links, updated Brett's
League with stats and roster moves (I'm in first place now! Heheh).
Also added a new
poetry section and an awards section. Added a Jokes Generator, sources
of NJ pride,
and only in America to the funny stuff page. And Finally I added
pictures of my DREAM
car the Subaru Impreza! Check it out!
June 19, 1999 ~ Updated Brett's League stats and added about 20 new quotes.
June 12, 1999 ~ Added
3 more pictures in the pics section and added Fun things to do at a
Wal-Mart to the Funny Stuff.
June 5, 1999 ~ Once
again updated Brett's League with the new stats, rosters, and
transactions. I finally added that long promised Pics of me section
^_^ Now you can
finally see my mug. I have 8 pics up right now, but I'll get a lot
May 18, 1999 ~
Brett's League with bi-weekly stats and transactions. Also I
decided to remove my game reviews section and donate them all to Alpha
and Omega
and take up another idea. Soon I'll add a Screenshots section of
all the games I have.
Heh, that's well over 200 so I think I might stick with the Snes first
and see how that
develops. Also I'm planning to add pictures of me and others
April 25, 1999 ~
Brett's Fantasy Baseball league stats, rosters, and some
transactions. Also added some more quotes.
April 10,
1999 ~ I can
finally honestly say that I'm satisfied with the design of the site but
I'm sure I'll get new ideas and change everything again :) I added
some javascript to the
main page, just for the fun of it. I'll eventually make a lake applet
but "eventully" Also
I added Brett's Fantasy Baseball League section and added some more quotes.
20, 1999 ~ I
changed the layout of the page once again. Almost every page went
through a change. Added more game links and removed broken ones.
Also I compressed
all the Tiger pics with Photoshop for faster access. Eveything should
be working. Now
all there's left, is to wait for is the debut of the New Alpha - and -
16, 1999 ~ Fixed
a few links. Added some new ones. Added about 10 or 15
more quotes and I added a how to be annoying section in the Funny Stuff
26, 1999 ~ Updates
are getting scarce here. I just have a lot of other things to be
taking care of. But I haven't forgotten about this site yet.
Today I redesigned all the
pages, added more quotes, and some updates in the Funny Stuff section.
Shortly I
should be adding a few more reviews and getting to work on the Emulation
Jan 16, 1999 ~
a few new links and checked for broken ones. I was promoted to
to maintain a message board A&O's RoM Request Board. So I added
that to the
Emulation section. Also I now finally have a picture of where you
can see me =)
Oh yeah I added some more stuff about me, if you're interested...
Jan 9, 1999 ~
It's been a while since my last update. Well, I've been very sick
past week and I had major school work to catch up with. Anyways here's
the new stuff.
About 10 new quotes added, funny stuff page is up, and WCW/nWo Revenge
review is up.
Also, checked for broken links and added a few more. Soon I'm going
to add a Music
section with midi's, mostly from Video games (Rpg's =) Mp3's are
big and I don't have
kind of space, but I have many FF mp3's that are available upon request.
So email me... for them.
25, 1998 ~ First
of all Merry Christman everyone! =) Again I changed around
layout of my page. Heheh, I'm just never satisfied. Added more
quotes, added the Emu
Translation section, and finally added the Tiger Links section. Also
took down the
Football section cuz it's over with.
Dec 19, 1998 ~ Added EarthBound review and 11 screenshots of it.
Dec 14, 1998 ~ Added many new links and put up 2 more sections in the Emulation part.
12, 1998 ~ Started
working on the Emulation Section, and I have 3 parts of it up and
running. Also I put up some more quotes.
10, 1998 ~ Redesigned
the whole links section and now I'm ready to work full force
on my Emulation Section.
9, 1998 ~ I totally
redesigned the Tigers page and added 10 more pics, for a total of
17 so far... I still gotta work on the Tiger links, once I'm
done with the Tigers I'm going
to fully focus on the Emulation Section.
5, 1998 ~ Added
the Game Reviews Section and put up Wild Arms Review.
Added a Quotes page. Also I got a logo, thanks to Cyrus Martin =)
Dec 1, 1998 ~ Added the Links section... and changed my about me page a little.
28, 1998 ~ Finally
got around to adding a counter from Link Exchange... and I added
an about me page. I guess the LaiR is now officially in business
27, 1998 ~ Totally
redesigned the entire page with Netscape Composer... I'm going
to give the Tigers Section a new look too, but later...
Nov 26, 1998 ~ Added a Fantasy Football section (Dan's league)
25, 1998 ~
the Photo Album and added 4 new Tiger pics. Now it's up to
23, 1998 ~
a Section with pictures of Tigers. I only have a couple of pictures
right now, but I'll get more...
22, 1998 ~ The LaiR has begun to take form.