What is love?
By: Me
Everyone claims to have felt it
Everyone says they've seen it
Everyone thinks they know how it works.
But do they really?
What is it?
Is it a thought?
Is it a feeling?
Is it a hope?
Is it a dream?
Love is just like the wind...
If it's strong enough
It will sweep you right off your feet
And carry you to places
You have only dreamed about.
But what if the wind suddenly let's go?
How will you cope?
You'll drop to the ground in vein
All you'll feel is pain
Nothing worse than that empty feeling inside.
Love is a drug...
Once you've had a dose of it
You want it
You need it
You gotta have it.
Using it, has it's price
What if one day you can't have any more?
You'll go crazy to find some.
You'll feel down, desperate, hopeless, and sad.
Then what?
So why do we keep trying it...
Is it for revenge?
Is it to find happiness?
Or is it to just simply once again
Regain that great feeling inside?
Noone knows for sure,
We think we know how it works
Do we really?